Re: [] pate - a debrief

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From: Billy Abbott
Subject: Re: [] pate - a debrief
Date: 12:47 on 25 Apr 2005
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On Mon, 25 Apr 2005, Simon Wistow wrote:

> The two major problems is that they were both a bit course and under
> seasoned. The under seasoning was because, after accepting that I
> always over season stuff I've been endeavouing to cut back, not
> realising that, with pat=E9s, one actually needs to overseason.

I have yet to try pate making, but have yet to try...
However, I saw a cookery program (i suspect it was gary rhodes) with pate=
in it, and the suggestion was to fry a little of the pate mix and then=20
taste that to check seasoning.

I have a blender. I really should have a go. I've not even made soup in it=


I have ulterior motives cleverly disguised as apathy
  Billy Abbott                     billy at cowfish dot org dot uk

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