[london.food] =?iso-8859-1?q?Simple_Starters_-_Twice-baked_Roquefort_Souffl=E9s?=

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Subject: [london.food] =?iso-8859-1?q?Simple_Starters_-_Twice-baked_Roquefort_Souffl=E9s?=
Date: 15:29 on 03 May 2005
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  -> KAY.WISTOW@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx KAY WISTOW                 A15 =

(Sion cc'd you in will you do the honours if I have the address wrong.

Did a safari dinner party at the w/e.

What's a safari dinner party?  One where you go to a different house for
each course.  9 couples is the ideal number as then you never eat with t=
same couple twice.  3 houses do starters, 3 main and 3 dessert.  You can
organise a final venue when you all meet up.  Best if venues are within
walking distance as copious amounts of wine get drunk!)

I was given the starter and look for maximum impact, minimum effort so I
served individual roquefort souffl=E9s garnished with watercress and che=
palmiers.  Looked spectacular, smelt fantastic and more importantly tast=
good.  I have to confess it is a Delia recipe and I'm not normally a big


Twice-baked Roquefort Souffl=E9s

The obvious advantage of twice-baked souffl=E9s is that they can be done=
dusted the day before you need them. Then they rise up again like a drea=
with a brilliantly light texture and flavour.

Serves 6

6 oz (175 g) Roquefort

8 fl oz (225 ml) milk

1/4 inch (5 mm) onion slice

1 bay leaf

grating of nutmeg

6 whole black peppercorns

11/2 oz (40 g) butter

11/2 oz (40 g) plain flour

4 large eggs, separated

5 fl oz (150 ml) double cream

salt and freshly milled black pepper

To garnish:

6 sprigs watercress

* Click an ingredient to find out more

You will also need 6 ramekins with a 3 inch (7.5 cm) diameter, 11/2 inch=
(4 cm) deep, lightly buttered, an 11 x 8 x 2 inch (28 x 20 x 5 cm) bakin=
tin, and a 14 x 10 inch (35 x 25.5 cm) baking tray.

Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 4, 350=B0F (180=B0C).

Begin by heating the milk, onion, bay leaf, nutmeg and peppercorns in a
medium-sized saucepan till it reaches simmering point, then strain the m=
into a jug, discarding the rest now. Rinse out the saucepan, then melt t=
butter in it. Add the flour and stir to a smooth, glossy paste, and cook
this for 3 minutes, still stirring, until it turns a pale straw colour.
Then gradually add the strained milk, whisking all the time, until the
sauce is thick and cleanly leaves the sides of the pan. Then season ligh=
and cook the sauce on the gentlest heat possible for 2 minutes, stirring
now and then.

Next remove the pan from the heat and let it cool slightly, then beat in
the egg yolks one at a time. Now crumble 4 oz (110 g) of the cheese into
the mixture and stir until most of it has melted - don't worry if some
cheese is still visible. Put a kettle on to boil and, in a spanking-clea=
large bowl, whisk the egg whites to the soft-peak stage, then fold a
spoonful of egg white into the cheese sauce to loosen it. Now fold the
sauce into the egg white using a large metal spoon and a cutting and
folding motion.

Divide the mixture equally between the ramekins. Put them in the baking
tin, place it on the centre shelf of the oven, then pour about 1/2 inch =
cm) of boiling water into the tin. Bake the souffl=E9s for 20 minutes, t=
transfer them to a cooling rack (using a fish slice) so they don't conti=
cooking. Don't worry if they sink a little as they cool, because they wi=
rise up again in the second cooking.

When they are almost cold, run a small palette knife around the edge of
each ramekin and carefully turn the souffl=E9s out on to the palm of you=
hand, then place them the right way up on a lightly greased, shallow bak=
tray. They can now be stored in the fridge for up to 24 hours, lightly
covered with clingfilm.

When you are ready to re-heat the souffl=E9s, pre-heat the oven to gas m=
4, 350=B0F (180=B0C) and remove the souffl=E9s from the fridge so they c=
an return
to room temperature. Dice the remaining Roquefort into 1/4 inch (5 mm)
pieces and sprinkle it on top of the souffl=E9s, then place them in the =
on the shelf above centre, for 30 minutes.

Then, 2 or 3 minutes before serving, spoon a tablespoon of cream over ea=
souffl=E9 and return them to the oven while you seat your guests. Serve =
souffl=E9s immediately on warm plates and garnish each with a sprig of

Any other simple starter suggestions welcome

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Generated at 00:00 on 06 May 2005 by mariachi 0.41