Re: [] Rice salad

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From: Roger Burton West
Subject: Re: [] Rice salad
Date: 14:34 on 23 Jun 2005
On Thu, Jun 23, 2005 at 02:24:16PM +0100, Natalie Ford wrote:

>I always have to check if milk has been added to 'mayonnaise' in potato 
>salad, for example, (I cannot eat anything with any product of milk in 
>it, as you may remember, but am not vegetarian in any other way) and 
>some rice salad has ham or tuna in it (which vegetarians would *really* 
>object to!)... ;-)

There's no particular foodstuff I have to avoid (though I'm not
especially fond of palm oil as a bulking agent), but this sort of
messing about with what ought to be plain simple food is one of the main
reasons I like to cook for myself. I know just what goes into my potato
salad: potatoes, mayonnaise and garlic.


There's stuff above here

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