Re: [] Rice salad

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From: James Bywater
Subject: Re: [] Rice salad
Date: 15:07 on 23 Jun 2005
On 23 Jun 2005, at 14:34, Roger Burton West wrote:
> I know just what goes into my potato
> salad: potatoes, mayonnaise and garlic.

And in mine - boiled and sliced waxy potatoes, baby spinach, pancetta  
cubes, grated parmesan, and a dressing (extra virgin olive oil, dijon  
mustard (lots of it), more parmesan, and balsamic vinegar).

I got it from one of Nigel Slater's books, and it is the best potato  
salad I have ever eaten! I made lots of it for a barbeque on Sunday  
and it was all eaten in a few minutes.

If you like I can post the "proper" recipe here.


There's stuff above here

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