[london.food] Potato (was Rice) salad

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From: James Bywater
Subject: [london.food] Potato (was Rice) salad
Date: 22:28 on 23 Jun 2005
On 23 Jun 2005, at 15:13, Roger Burton West wrote:
> Go for it - it sounds fun. Though I wouldn't give it to someone who
> asked for "potato salad"...

500g Waxy potatoes
4tbsp balsamic vinegar
juice of a lemon
2 heaped tbsp dijon mustard
8 tbsp olive oil (the recipe says 12 but I thin kit's too much)
a large lump of young parmesan
8 rashers of streaky bacon (I used cubetti di pancetta)
6 dfuls of spinach leaves

Cook the spuds in boiling salted water for around 10-1 mins until  
tender. Slice thickly
blend or whisk the lemon juice, mustard, vinegar together. Then put  
in the oil and 4 tbsp grated parmesan and whisk again.

Grind in a little black pepper

Fry or grill the bacon/pancetta and dry on kitchen paper.

cut or tear into small strips if you used bacon

put the spinach in a salad bowl, add the potatoes and bacon, then  
toss gently with the dressing

Leave for 10 mins to cool, then serve while still slightly warm,  
scattered with the rest of the parmesan.


There's stuff above here

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