Re: [] Rice salad

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From: Martin Frost
Subject: Re: [] Rice salad
Date: 11:25 on 23 Jun 2005
KAY WISTOW A15 wrote:

> We are having a street BBQ on Friday and I've got to provide a bowl of rice
> salad.
> Fancy using wild rice because it looks more interesting.
> Anyone got a good recipe they can pass on?

Well, I wouldn't use all wild rice, unless you want to overpower all
the other ingredients. I would use a third to a half wild rice in with
white rice. I have successfully cooked these in the same pan - after
washing both types, soak them for an hour or more separately. Put the
wild rice on for 20-25 minutes then add the white rice to the same pan
for the last 5 minutes.

Doing it like this avoids breaking up the rice too much, which can
happen if you try to mix the two types together after cooking.

As to recipes for the rice salad itself - I tend to just chop up
random vegetables and add them. Things like sweet peppers work
well if you chop them finely (pea sized) and stir into the steaming
rice just after you drain it. Roasted vegetables also work well,
as do caramelised onions allowed to lose moisture during cooking
to get a chewy texture.

Texture is important, though the wild rice will help. I like to
have a variety of tastes and textures in the salad.

A small amount of fried minced meat is an interesting addition and
can give a Middle Eastern flavour if you add some garlic and lemon,
but if you're doing this for a barbeque then more meat is probably
not what you need.

I'm never all that convinced about dressing on rice salad, and if
you're using wild rice you won't need the extra taste.


Generated at 00:02 on 02 Jul 2005 by mariachi 0.41