[london.food] [RECIPE] pistachio butter

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: [london.food] [RECIPE] pistachio butter
Date: 15:21 on 09 Jul 2005
On a whim I decided to use some (unsalted) shelled pistachios that I had
left over.

I toasted the pistachios briefly thenblitzed them (125g or so) up in a
handheld blender until they were quite fine - about the consistency of
semolina. Then I slowly added in cubes of butter, about 250g in total.

And, err, that was it. All incredibly easy. The butter is currently 
chilling again in the fridge - the pistachios were still hot from the 
toasting when I started blending and that plus the mixing made the 
result liquid but it's firming up again.

I added a bit of salt because I like salty things but other people 
probably wouldn't want to. Next time I do this I may toast the nuts with 
some cayenne.

Mine was quite smooth. To do chunky I guess you blitz the nuts coarsely 
then remove half and blitz the rest down to fine. Then after finishing 
blending the butter and fine nuts you'd add in the rest and mix gently.

I'm not quite sure what to do with it though. Obviosuly having it on
toast is an option but I'm trying to work out what else. Under the skin
of a roast chicken or stuffed inside a chicken breast would work. Maybe
stirred through some pasta with chicken pieces. Mixed into mash potatoes
would be good. Maybe with some fish (salmon or trout probably).  The
internet suggests guinea fowl (under the skin and then combining some 
with chicken stock for sauce) and medallions of veal (mix with cream for 
a sauce).

Any other suggestions?

Generated at 00:06 on 11 Jul 2005 by mariachi 0.41