Re: [] [RECIPE] Tori Katsu Kare

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] [RECIPE] Tori Katsu Kare
Date: 09:55 on 10 Jul 2005
Errk, sorry. Should have been clearer ...

> You don't need to fake it if you're going to the Japan Centre or the 
> Japanese/Korean supermarket at the base of Centrepoint.  Buy those cubes 
> of curry (kare) sauce, labelled things like "Montana curry sauce"

Yeah, this is the stuff you need for Katsu Kare - looks almost like a
lump of (really odd looking) chocolate. German chinese restaurants use
it a lot, weirdly enough.

>  I think.  There's also a sweet, fruity sauce they sell. 

Yeah, that's the katsu sauce.

I really like making Yakitori too - get chicken peices, put on skewer 
with bits of spring onion then stick on griddle and baste with a mirin 
(sweet cooking sake) and light soy sauce reduction.

The only problem is that if it burns (say if you accidentally get 
engrossed in watching Futurama whilst cooking *cough*) then it *really* 
stinks up he flat and is a bugger to clean off your griddle pan.

On an asian related note a Korean friend of mine has promised to get me 
a good recipe for Kimichi - I tried making it once before but the 
cabbage I used was far to waxy.

I'll share the love if I get it right.

There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:01 on 14 Jul 2005 by mariachi 0.41