Re: [] Katsu!

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Katsu!
Date: 10:47 on 13 Jul 2005
On Tue, Jul 12, 2005 at 11:00:17PM +0100, Rev Simon Rumble said:

I noticed that you had a link to this article by Jeffrey Steingarten 
which is the first chapter of his truly excellent book "The man who ate 

To be honest I didn't get as much out of the sequel "It must have been 
something I ate". On the other hand I really like Anthony Bourdain's 
Kitchen Confidential (even the fairly snoozy heroin bits) and liked 
Cooks Tour much better on a second reading (after seeing the accompany 

I also enjoyed Nigel Slater's biography Toast even though it's actually 
quite creepy. 

Any other reccomendations (he says, in full on work avoidance mode)?


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