Re: [] Katsu!

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] Katsu!
Date: 10:53 on 13 Jul 2005
Hmmm, a few books there that look worth checking out.  I've just bought
two of Bourdain's crime novels, because I enjoyed his food books so
much.  Might end up buying his bistro cookbook too, though not before I
buy one of the Moro ones...

On 13/7/2005, "Simon Wistow" <> wrote:

>Any other reccomendations (he says, in full on work avoidance mode)?

No self-respecting foodie geek can be without McGee's On Food and
Cooking.    It describes what's really going on when you're cooking
food, just the kinda thing a geek finds interesting but also will
greatly improve your cooking.

I haven't got the new edition yet, but the original is nothing short of
incredible.  The level of detail of a good O'Reilly book, about food.

Anyone wanna buy my original edition so I can justify buying the new one?
 Make me an offer.

There's stuff above here

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