Re: [] Easy cakes to make in bulk?

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] Easy cakes to make in bulk?
Date: 16:28 on 18 Jul 2005
On 18/7/2005, "KAY WISTOW A15" <KAY.WISTOW@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx>

>I'm not talking really rich & fruit/peppery that you would use for salad
>dressings.  The olive oil helps to keep it  moist.  Can't remember if Delia
>does a carrot cake - server is playing up can't check it out

Nigel Slater had one that looked interesting a while back.  And it
doesn't use that awful mock-cream icing (which tastes like those Tesco
Economy swiss rolls).  Then again, marscapone is possibly the most evil
ingredient in the world after tobacco in terms of clogging the

There's stuff above here

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