[london.food] Tuscan sausage and beans

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From: James Bywater
Subject: [london.food] Tuscan sausage and beans
Date: 15:07 on 18 Jul 2005
Saw this one on Keith Floyd's bit on Saturday Kitchen last weekend,  
and made it the same day. It was very quick and delicious.

Make some fresh uncooked tomato sauce by blanching, then skinning and  
crushing up some fresh ripe tomatoes. I used 4 large tomatoes and a  
potato masher.

Fry some good pork sausages in extra virgin olive oil until almost  
done to your liking.
add 3 or 4 cloves of garlic, squashed flat with a knife
add some sage leaves
add the tomato sauce
turn up the heat
add a few spoonfuls of cooked flageolet/haricot beans (cooked in  
chicken stock or water, olive oil, salt)

Stir, and cook for a few minutes.


Despite the fact that this is basically the same as Heins Beans and  
Sausages in a tin, the flavour of olive oil, garlic, and sage really  
make it taste very mediterranean. I think Floyd used the word  
"peasanty". I had it for breakfast on saturday morning, although it  
could just as easily be a lunch or a dinner.


Generated at 00:01 on 20 Jul 2005 by mariachi 0.41