Re: [] Tuscan sausage and beans

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] Tuscan sausage and beans
Date: 15:33 on 18 Jul 2005
On 18/7/2005, "James Bywater" <> wrote:

>Despite the fact that this is basically the same as Heins Beans and
>Sausages in a tin, the flavour of olive oil, garlic, and sage really
>make it taste very mediterranean. I think Floyd used the word

I do a similar thing with leftover chorizo (in fact, I have some I need
to use up and will be doing so tonight).

* Roughly chop up your chorizo, about 1/2cm cubes.
* Fry some onions in a little olive oil (red are best, but brown will
do), then throw the chorizo in.
* Fry slowly until the paprika starts coming.
* Chuck in some chopped garlic.  Cover with a couple of cups of red wine.
* Add three tins of EU-subsidised-causing-misery-in-third-world tomatoes
(23p/tin at Somerfield).  Mush the tomatoes up a bit.
* Add basil, sage, oregano or similar (whatever you've got around, I use
a mix of all three fresh from the window boxes at the moment).
* Add one star wing of star anise and a bay leaf.
* Simmer until you've got a reasonably thick, almost ketchup texture.
* Fish out the bay leaf and star anise, if you can find it.
* Serve on top of spiral or shell pasta.

Comes in at less than 50p/serve if you buy the chorizo from North End
Road market.  Leftovers taste even better the next day for lunch.  The
paprika all comes out of the chorizo and you get this lovely rich, dark
sauce.  Yum!

Generated at 00:01 on 20 Jul 2005 by mariachi 0.41