Re: [] Easy cakes to make in bulk?

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From: Natarajan Krishnaswami
Subject: Re: [] Easy cakes to make in bulk?
Date: 17:47 on 18 Jul 2005
On Mon, Jul 18, 2005 at 04:39:56PM +0100, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:
> Yeah that was my thought, though I'm not that keen on basic sponge
> myself.  Then again, I could make lamingtons to give it an Aussie
> flavour.

Ha, nice!  Or maybe take that Jaffa-cake-wards: moisten the sponge
with a little cream (and/or Cointreau, perhaps?), slather orange
marmalade on top, and enrobe the mess in ganache.  (Since its winter
in .AU, ganache wouldn't melt in transit, right?)


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