Re: [] Easy cakes to make in bulk?

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] Easy cakes to make in bulk?
Date: 16:39 on 18 Jul 2005
On 18/7/2005, "Joel Bernstein" <> wrote:

>You're kidding, right? I've never heard of such a thing. Doesn't the
>_company_ buy the cake?

Not in my experience in London.

>Seems absurd to require YOU to pay to supply your colleagues with cake.

Exactly.  Happy birthday, now go and buy us a present.

>Something of the "victoria sandwich" variety perhaps? ie a couple of
>thin plain sponge cakes with tasty jam in the middle and some icing
>sugar on top? Not so fiddly that you'll kick yourself for deciding to
>cater for lots of people, difficult to mess up, pretty quick, ...

Yeah that was my thought, though I'm not that keen on basic sponge
myself.  Then again, I could make lamingtons to give it an Aussie

>I generally find that biscuits are more work. YMMV.

They transport better.  If I make biscuits, I can ride my bike in that
day instead of catching the tube.

The ginger snaps that Bob suggested sound good.  I might just go the
biscuit option...

There's stuff above here

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