Re: [] [RECIPE] Chilli Tomato Jam

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From: Kake L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] [RECIPE] Chilli Tomato Jam
Date: 23:19 on 18 Jul 2005
On Mon 18 Jul 2005, Simon Wistow <> wrote:
> There aren't any noticeable lumps in the jam itself so I suspect 
> blendering the whole lot wouldn't make any difference.

Made it today, blenderising the whole lot as am lazy like that.  I
made a quarter of your recipe and reduced the sugar by 1/3, cooked it
for 40 minutes, and it was good.  Bob is having some in a sandwich
with strong Cheddar cheese for his packed lunch tomorrow, and he can
report back then.


There's stuff above here

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