Re: [] [RECIPE] Chilli Tomato Jam

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From: Bob Walker
Subject: Re: [] [RECIPE] Chilli Tomato Jam
Date: 20:10 on 19 Jul 2005
On Mon, 18 Jul 2005, Kake L Pugh wrote:

> On Mon 18 Jul 2005, Simon Wistow <> wrote:
>> There aren't any noticeable lumps in the jam itself so I suspect
>> blendering the whole lot wouldn't make any difference.
> Made it today, blenderising the whole lot as am lazy like that.  I
> made a quarter of your recipe and reduced the sugar by 1/3, cooked it
> for 40 minutes, and it was good.  Bob is having some in a sandwich
> with strong Cheddar cheese for his packed lunch tomorrow, and he can
> report back then.

intrepid taster walker reporting:-
 	was rather sweet
 	not nearly enough chilli
 	possibly could have been spread thicker
 	went well with the cheese
that is all.

Bob Walker
Very few things dont taste good once deep fried.

There's stuff above here

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