Re: [] Squash recipes

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] Squash recipes
Date: 15:18 on 16 Aug 2005
On Tue, Aug 16, 2005 at 03:12:46PM +0100, David Cantrell wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 16, 2005 at 02:48:57PM +0100, Juliet Kemp wrote:
> > We have 2 large squashes in the cupboard at the moment, courtesy of the
> > organic delivery people (& I strongly suspect another is on its way on
> > Thursday.  It's that time of year).  Neither Pete nor I are
> > *desperately* keen on it - and badly-cooked squash can be really
> > unpleasant.  Anyone got any (vegan) suggestions which use lots of it?
> It depends on the squash, as there are many varieties.  Here are some
> things to do with butternut squashes.  If you have something else,
> perhaps you can adjust them to suit.

I am informed that they are marrows, & thus apparently less susceptible
to many of the interesting things that people are suggesting.  Butternut
squashes, I note, are lovely things which I like very much :-)  

(this is where it becomes clear that I really do *very little* of the
cooking these days...)

Though I guess roasting-type things might still work OK, because it
should get rid of lots of the water.  Which IIRC is the main problem
with marrows - all that nice courgettey taste is diluted in loads &
loads of watery nothingness.  


There's stuff above here

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