Re: [] exotic meats

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From: Jenny Mather
Subject: Re: [] exotic meats
Date: 17:44 on 16 Aug 2005
just thought i'd add mine....

I kenw there had to be a use for this photo!

guinea pig - nice but fiddly and for the meat on it not really worth it
(though it might be expected coming under the rodent category!)
In S. America they are basically farmed for food - quite a strange concept
even for me who never had one as a pet, though the people that farm them
do make money from it. It is quite oftne roasted or on the streets/markets
its skewered and kind of barbequed over the nearest fire (generally by a
fierce old lady with no teeth but hair longer than she is - in plaits!)

On the other hand - llama. Very good - liked it a lot and it seems
versitile either simply grilled or fried and also had lots of sauces with
it - i guess in a steak way which was how it was cut/cooked/served.

Funny thing the (beef) steak I had in S America probably one of the worst
ever! Though I was on the west coast its probably better on the east????
or all the good stuff gets exported.


There's stuff above here

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