Re: [] Steak Cooking

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From: James Bywater
Subject: Re: [] Steak Cooking
Date: 16:48 on 23 Aug 2005
On 23 Aug 2005, at 16:37, Russell Joanne (ST) wrote:
> OK I've never written on here before but I LOVE steak too so here  
> goes...
> My favourite steak sauce - when the steak is cooked take it out of  
> pan (meat should be left for a few minutes so juices settle into  
> meat or something).  Meanwhile add a glob of butter to pan..  Add a  
> dash of red wine or sherry or port or brandy *insert alcohol of  
> choice here!*.  100 ml of stock (beef cubes are fine) to follow  
> along with half a teaspoon of dijon mustard and generous shake of  
> paprika.  Add dash of cream, pour over steak and serve.
> Totally lovely.  And one of the only things I can cook.
> :)
I should mention that something I almost invariably do is pour some  
water onto the griddle just after I take the steak off, let it bubble  
away, and then pour it over the steak (or mashed potato :-). I don't  
know why I do it, I just thought it seemed like a good idea, and it  
certainly tastes good :-)


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