Re: [] Steak Cooking - Success!!

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From: Nigel Rantor
Subject: Re: [] Steak Cooking - Success!!
Date: 20:12 on 23 Aug 2005
Just a quick note of thanks, I ran out to get some ingredients from the 
sainsburglers downstairs (literally, it's like having BIG cupboards) and 
got to cooking.

Got a rump steak that looked rather nifty, some green leaves, organic 
vine-ripened tomatoes and some cucumber.

Salad was covered in the chunkily chopped tomatoes and cucumber, 
teeny-tiny bit of olive oil and vinegar on the top.

Cooked the steak and it went great, 2 mins per side, groovy griddle 
lines an' all.

I made that simple mustard sauce that Rev pointed out, mixture of dijon 
and grainy dontchaknow.

The steak was, quite frankly, wonderful...obviously the amount of hunger 
I had managed to build up probably helped but it was great. I shall now 
have to go uy some steak knives.

Cheers all...


Generated at 00:12 on 25 Aug 2005 by mariachi 0.41