Re: [] Steak Cooking

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From: Greg McCarroll
Subject: Re: [] Steak Cooking
Date: 16:36 on 23 Aug 2005
On 23 Aug 2005, at 16:21, Nigel Rantor wrote:
> Okay, okay, I generally agree, but I also don't want to ruin  
> something that is nice...maybe I'll wait and see what the meat in- 
> store looks like...hmmm, getting hungry now....

Sainsburys (Sydenham) actually do ok fillet steaks which are nice and  
thick at about
4~5 quid a pop (which seems a lot until you think what you'd pay in a  
restaurant for
it). The one tip I haven't seen given so far is that, assuming you  
want it blue/rare,
after sealing it on top and bottom you might like to take a pair of  
tongs and quickly set
it on its various sides to seal them - in order to better keep in the  
tasty red
sauce ;-)

I've been having steaks recently with a penne, pesto and cherry  
tomato salad on the
side and sparkling red wines - very nice.

If you want an alternative mustard sauce that would be good with  
steak (make sure to
really sear the top and bottom if you do this), Leon's mustard sauce  
is pretty good.
1 tbsp of water, bring to just before boil, throw in two slices of  
butter, stir quickly,
throw in some good mustard (maybe a mixture of wholegrain and dijon)  
about 2 or 3
teaspoons, stir some more, take it off the heat before it separates  
and pour on.
(quantities may not be exact - i tend to just judge these things).

also don't forget that steak is still a great treat for people, its  
ingrained in our
consciousness somehow that steak is special. so once you've done it  
well, invite friends,
neighbours, family around - they'll love you for it.

- a very tired G.

There's stuff above here

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