Re: [] Steak Cooking

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From: Nigel Rantor
Subject: Re: [] Steak Cooking
Date: 16:21 on 23 Aug 2005
Rev Simon Rumble wrote:
>>I will be starting with cheapo and work my way prolly
>>sainsburglers or some such place will be supplying me until I can cook
>>it, then I'll go to my butcher up the road...
> No no no.  Buy the best steak you can afford.  Even if it's not quite
> right, it'll still be pretty good.  Life's too short for crappy meat
> cooked the wrong way.  There's better ways to cook cheap meat.

Okay, okay, I generally agree, but I also don't want to ruin something 
that is nice...maybe I'll wait and see what the meat in-store looks 
like...hmmm, getting hungry now....

There's stuff above here

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