Re: [] Swedish food?

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] Swedish food?
Date: 17:04 on 23 Aug 2005
On 23/8/2005, "Bob Walker" <> wrote:

>as a non cider drinker it thought the swedish cider was okay. the beer
>wasnt bad either.

Cider is stupidly sweet.  Bleurgh.

The beer, yes it's quite good.  I quite liked their "middle beer"
(3.5%) which is the maximum strength they can sell in supermarkets.=20
Anything stronger has to be bought from the government monopoly liquor
retailer.  They had some remarkably nice beers at that strength: a very
nice porter and, interestingly, a 3.5% version of Bishop's Finger.

Sweden's alcohol wasn't as expensive as I expected.  Not cheap, but not
ludicrous compared to London.  The Systembolaget (govt liquor monopoly)
isn't bad either, though apparently was much much worse in the past.

There's stuff above here

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