Re: [] Mildreds

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From: Tony Kennick
Subject: Re: [] Mildreds
Date: 14:47 on 08 Sep 2005
On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 02:37:46PM +0100,
the following was promulgated by Rev Simon Rumble:

> On 8/9/2005, "Simon Wistow" <> wrote:
> >I need to cook a vegetarian meal sometime soon and I've been pondering
> >about replicating this. However at least one vege I know doesn't like
> >mushrooms so I'm trying to think of alternatives - diced aubergine
> >springs to mind.
> Depends how vegetarian you're talking...  I would suggest, aubergine or
> mushroom, large amounts of Worcestershire Sauce.  It really makes a pie.
>  But that contain anchovies.  The Wikipedia article[1] suggests
> something called Hendersons Relish.

If anyone wants some of this and can't find it locally I live in
Sheffield, it is readily avaliable and I could post some. It is not as
strongly flavoured as Worcestershire Sauce and the strangest thing I have
seen done with it was when it was used in beer to create a festival

        Tony Kennick
        Digital Prints:

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