[london.food] Chicken nuggets/croquettes

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: [london.food] Chicken nuggets/croquettes
Date: 10:16 on 26 Sep 2005
Well the dinner party on Saturday night went well.  I ended up making a
very big (2.8kg) roast chicken with potato gratin, steamed beans and
corn.  Very nice, though such a big bird took a lot of cooking!

The cake I ended up making was this one:
but minus the instant coffee (if I want coffee in a cake, I'll use
coffee not instant "coffee-type drink", but I didn't want coffee
anyway) and normal milk instead of the buttermilk (couldn't find any).=20
It's a VERY rich cake, with 400g of 70% cocoa solid chocolate and
double cream.  Nice!

The other half made an excellent entree of sweet potato and goats cheese
from a Waitrose recipe card.  Will post that recipe if you're

However, the most interesting thing was what I did with the leftover
chicken.  Most of what was left was little scraps from the carcass, with
a few larger bits.  I ripped everything off and boiled up the carcass
for stock.  Last night I cooked up the leftovers as chicken nugget type

Chicken Croquettes (sounds much nicer than nugget) for using up leftover

* Leftover chicken scraps, chopped finely
* 2 cloves garlic, crushed
* 3 spring onions, chopped finely
* 2 eggs
* Handful of flour
* Japanese breadcrumbs
* Salt and pepper
* Frying oil

1. Put about an inch of oil in a saucepan on the heat.
2. Mix together the chicken, garlic, spring onions, flour, one egg and
the season well.  The flour should bring the consistency together, and
you need to mix a bit to get the gluten going until it holds together,
if that doesn't work add more flour.
3. Beat the other egg and place in a bowl.  Put breadcrumbs on a plate.
4. Take a small handful of the mixture and press into a tight shape.
5. Dip in egg then breadcrumbs and fry until golden brown.  Fry them one
or two at a time.
6. Put the croquette on a wire rack to drip off its oil.


Generated at 00:04 on 27 Sep 2005 by mariachi 0.41