Re: [] Chicken nuggets/croquettes

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From: Marna Gilligan
Subject: Re: [] Chicken nuggets/croquettes
Date: 12:06 on 26 Sep 2005
On Mon, 26 Sep 2005, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:

> The cake I ended up making was this one:
> but minus the instant coffee (if I want coffee in a cake, I'll use
> coffee not instant "coffee-type drink", but I didn't want coffee
> anyway) and normal milk instead of the buttermilk (couldn't find any). 

A small pedanty point on baking and soda; you can substitute soured milk
(squeeze a little lemon in and leave it in a warm place for a bit) for
buttermilk. You basically need an acidic thing to get the bicarb doing
its thing. I use the soured milk trick for making soda bread and soda
scones, because buttermilk is had to find and seems very overpriced to me.

(Although there'll be some cream of tartar in the self-raising flour, so
for that recipe it's less important.)


Generated at 00:04 on 27 Sep 2005 by mariachi 0.41