Re: [] Non-tasty avocadoes

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Non-tasty avocadoes
Date: 15:32 on 26 Sep 2005
On Mon, Sep 26, 2005 at 03:04:39PM +0100, Kate L Pugh said:
> Any ideas for things I can do with a couple of ripe but very
> bland-tasting avocadoes?  I don't want to make guacamole with them;
> they don't taste good enough for that.  Something cooked, maybe?

I had avocado soup one time. Some searching indictaes

1 avocado
1 pint chicken stock
1 tbl sp lemon juice
cayenne pepper, salt and pepper

Puree the avocado, add the stock and mix well then add the remaining 
ingredients to taste. Chill, serve cold.


Generated at 00:22 on 15 Oct 2005 by mariachi 0.41