Re: [] Cooking Hacks

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From: Chris Heathcote
Subject: Re: [] Cooking Hacks
Date: 07:36 on 15 Oct 2005
On 10/14/05, Roger Burton West <> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 10:42:57AM +0100, Simon Wistow wrote:
> >Am I crack fuelled? Does this tickle any one else's fancy? Would any
> >body else like to work on it? Any idea to put in a pitch document?
> I would love to work on this - there is a need for a cookery book for
> people who want to learn what can be done with _ingredients_ rather than
> _recipes_. I've been picking up a lot of (admittedly basic) stuff in the
> last few years, to the point that I rarely make a recipe even once as
> written but I'll nick ideas from anything...

Well, many months ago a lfriend of a friend told me that they were
working on exactly this book, but the problem was that that they
really really didn't want it to be a recipe book. I didn't think this
was a problem, but then it all went silent. I'd certainly be up for
contributing if it happens.


There's stuff above here

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