[london.food] Escoffier

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From: David Cantrell
Subject: [london.food] Escoffier
Date: 19:19 on 31 Oct 2005
The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography have a mailing list where 
they send out a "life of the day".  Friday's was Escoffier.  I reproduce 
it here:

Escoffier, Georges Auguste (1846–1935), master chef and cookery writer, 
was born on 28 October 1846 in Villeneuve-sur-Loup (later 
Villeneuve-Loubet), Alpes-Maritimes, 15 kilometres from Nice, the son of 
Jean Baptiste Escoffier (d. 1909), farmer and village blacksmith. At 
thirteen Auguste was apprenticed to his uncle François Escoffier, who 
had opened in 1856 the Restaurant Français in Nice which provided an 
international cuisine for rich winter visitors and employed a Russian chef.

Chef de cuisine

After completing his apprenticeship Escoffier was offered work in Paris 
by Monsieur Bardoux, owner of the fashionable summer restaurant Le Petit 
Moulin Rouge. Near the Champs-Élysées, the restaurant attracted the 
‘demi-monde’ of actresses, opera singers, cocottes, and their rich 
patrons. During the next five years Escoffier worked his way up through 
the various departments to become chef saucier under the direction of 
the chef de cuisine.

Although Escoffier had done his military service in an infantry regiment 
in 1867, on the declaration of war in July 1870 he was posted as chef de 
cuisine to the headquarters of the army of the Rhine in Metz. Escoffier 
described his experiences in Mémoires d'un soldat de l'armée du Rhin, 
published in serial form in La Revue de l'Art Culinaire during 1894 and 
1895. He arrived in Metz in mid-July, and took part in three weeks of 
campaigning, which was followed by the ten-week siege of Metz. Escoffier 
describes collecting a secret farmyard of animals, and stockpiling 
essentials. He learnt to cook horsemeat. ‘On the day Metz surrendered 
there remained one chicken, a jar of meat extract, a tin of tunny fish 
and the goat, which I sold’ (Herbodeau and Thalamas, 28). Escoffier was 
the first serious chef to investigate tinned and preserved foods. Later 
he told Madame Ritz that his experience in Metz gave him the first idea 
of the potential of tinned foods and of the dire need the world had for 
them (Ritz, 33).

Following the fall of Metz, Escoffier spent six months as a prisoner of 
war in Germany, though after two miserable months he found a job as chef 
de cuisine for Marshal MacMahon, from France, imprisoned in Wiesbaden 
with his staff. Returning to France in April 1871 Escoffier escaped the 
siege of Paris by taking the last train from Paris to Versailles, where 
he worked first in Marshal MacMahon's headquarters and then for the 
officers of the 17th infantry regiment. During this period he learnt 
from an amateur sculptor the art of making wax flowers for elaborate 
table decorations. He later exhibited his creations at culinary 
exhibitions and wrote a book on the subject. After returning to civilian 
life, from 1872 to 1878 he worked each winter in the south of France, 
and returned in spring to Le Petit Moulin Rouge as chef de cuisine. 
Despite the military defeat, Paris life blossomed. With little formal 
education and although the life of a chef was physically very hard, the 
hours long, and the working conditions unpleasant, Escoffier interested 
himself in literature, theatre, and opera. His long friendship with 
Sarah Bernhardt dates from this period (1874). In 1876 be bought 
premises to set up a restaurant in Cannes; the Faisan Doré opened in 
1879, but was then let. Instead, on his marriage in 1878 to Delphine 
Daphis (d. 1935), the daughter of Paul Daphis, a Paris publisher, 
Escoffier took a position as manager for La Maison Chevet, a famous 
catering firm in the Palais Royal, with a large government and 
international clientele.

Hotel cuisine

 From 1884 Escoffier began writing for the professional journal La Revue 
de l'Art Culinaire. He also wrote with his wife Traité sur l'art de 
travailler les fleurs en cire (1885). A new career and a historic 
partnership began when Escoffier was asked by César Ritz in 1884 to 
manage the kitchens of his recently opened Grand Hotel in Monte Carlo. 
Ritz brought new ideas to hotel construction, furnishings, and staff 
organization and deportment, and Escoffier applied to kitchen management 
some of the same flair for innovation and quality that Ritz evolved for 

The Grand Hotel had 250 rooms, a shopping arcade, electricity from its 
own steam engine, a ‘café anglais’, a separate restaurant in a Moorish 
style in the gardens, and a smoking room. Ritz realized that only 
first-class cooking would attract and keep the best clientele, and 
Escoffier took on the challenge of providing high-quality food 
throughout the day and night for large numbers, yet also providing 
elaborate gourmet meals for special customers. One long-lasting legacy 
was the prix fixe, a set menu devised to guide the inexperienced through 
the French haute cuisine.

Escoffier recruited and trained teams of chefs to work in Monaco in 
winter and at the Grand National Hotel in Lucerne, Europe's premier 
hotel, in summer; meanwhile Ritz engaged teams of specialists in wine, 
in waiting, and in other aspects of hotel management. They were so 
successful that in 1890 Ritz was approached by Richard D'Oyley Carte, 
the opera producer, who had expanded into property development in London 
and built a modern hotel, next to his theatre, the Savoy. It had opened 
in 1889 but lost money. Ritz put together a ‘little army of hotel men 
for the conquest of London’ (Ritz, 143); Escoffier reorganized the 
kitchen to provide a suitable working environment for sixty to eighty 
chefs and found new French staff, and the reopened Savoy Hotel was an 
immediate and lasting success. Led by the prince of Wales it became the 
meeting place for London high society and the nouveaux riches of the 
British empire. Madame Ritz, who was involved, described how the food 
and the ambience lured people from the clubs to dine in public and give 
great parties there. It allowed ladies, hitherto fearful of dining in 
public, to be seen in full regalia in the Savoy dining and supper rooms.

Ritz's contract allowed his team to take on freelance work for six 
months of the year, and they organized hotels all over Europe. Escoffier 
did not move his home to London—Madame Escoffier and their three 
children remained in Monte Carlo. In 1886 Ritz formed the Ritz Hotel 
Development Company, of which Escoffier and his other managers became 
directors. However, such activities led to Ritz and Escoffier being 
dismissed from the Savoy in 1897. The Ritz team threatened to sue for 
wrongful dismissal: the Savoy's lawyers and accountants built up a 
counter case against them of financial mismanagement and fraud. After 
several years the dispute was settled, with Ritz and Escoffier repaying 
some money to the Savoy. In 1887, employed by the Ritz Company, 
Escoffier went to Paris to design the kitchens and recruit the chefs for 
the first Ritz Hotel, in the place Vendôme. Escoffier then returned to 
London to organize the new Carlton Hotel. From its opening it attracted 
much of the Savoy's clientele, including the prince of Wales and the 
Marlborough House set. It paid out a dividend of 7 per cent in its first 
year to its influential financial and aristocratic backers, and for many 
years it was considered the finest hotel in London. At the Carlton in 
1902, on the night that King Edward VII's coronation was cancelled, 
Cesar Ritz suffered a nervous breakdown, from which he did not recover.

Escoffier now took over from Ritz as the figurehead of the Carlton and 
became an international celebrity in his own right, the leading chef of 
his time, continuing to design kitchens and to tackle such challenges as 
catering for the new ocean-liners. He continued as a director of the 
company and manager of the kitchens of the Carlton throughout the 
difficult war years, coping with both food and labour shortages. Both 
his sons were in the French army, and his second son was killed in 
November 1914. For his work in promoting France through its cuisine 
during these years President Poincaré personally presented him with the 
cross of the Légion d'honneur in 1919. Escoffier retired in 1920.
Culinary writings and practice
In his menus, his cooking, and his writing, Escoffier was the leading 
exponent of the idea that haute cuisine should also be light and 
healthy. He advocated simplicity, and the banquet style with displays of 
ornate foods in heavy, rich sauces and indigestible garnishes gave way 
to dishes cooked for the individual. He insisted that a sense of 
occasion and luxury should come from flowers, fine china and glass, and 
specially designed serving dishes and containers (including sculpted 
ice). In his kitchens he combined the new and the traditional. Modern 
electric lighting was arranged over stoves and preparation tables to 
give clear, bright light. Surfaces were designed for high standards of 
cleanliness. Yet despite the advent of gas and electric cookers, 
Escoffier continued to rely on natural heat, and flames produced by 
burning wood and coke. His preferred utensils continued to be of iron 
and copper.

Escoffier was a devout Catholic, and left-over food from his London 
kitchens was given to local French nuns for the poor. Physically very 
small (he always needed specially raised clogs to cook in), and 
temperamentally reserved, Escoffier worked to improve the morale and 
working conditions of his chefs and campaigned against the brutality, 
bad language, and alcoholism endemic in a stressful trade (he provided 
lemon barley-water in great quantities to cut down alcohol consumption). 
He encouraged his chefs to dress well and to improve their education. He 
was involved in setting up educational courses for more formal 
professional training, including that at the Westminster Technical 
College. His hotels provided good quarters for staff. Concerned about 
the long-term insecurity of catering employees, in 1903 he helped to 
found the Association Culinaire Française de Secours Mutuel.

Escoffier was not good with finance but his talents for organization 
played an important role in his success. He personally visited his 
suppliers, commissioned new goods, and sought out new foods. He once 
described his role in organizing the growing of English-style green 
asparagus in the 1890s in Lauris in France: he went to the region and 
personally persuaded the reluctant growers to change their methods, 
which resulted in improved supply and lower prices in London. In 
addition, Escoffier and his elder son pioneered the manufacture of 
gourmet tinned and bottled foods and sauces.


Chefs trained by Escoffier spread his practices of cosmopolitan cuisine 
throughout the world. However, it was through his writing that Escoffier 
promoted his ideas, recipes, and practices, and he left a lasting 
legacy. He rethought the traditional recipes and techniques of French 
cuisine and described them with a new precision, allowing for 
experimentation, especially in refining and lightening the essential 
sauces. In addition he incorporated recipes from other European 
traditions. In 1903 Le guide culinaire was published and became an 
immediate success. It has gone through numerous editions. In 1912 
Escoffier published Le livre des menus, a book on kitchen organization 
and menu preparation based on his work at the Savoy and Carlton hotels. 
Between 1911 and 1914 he published in London the monthly magazine Le 
Carnet d'Épicure. After retiring he wrote Ma cuisine, traité de cuisine 
familiale (1934) for cooks in private houses.

After an active retirement, not wealthy but much honoured, Escoffier 
died on 12 February 1935 at 8 bis avenue de la Costa, Monte Carlo, 
Monaco; his wife died three weeks earlier, in January of the same year. 
He was buried at Villeneuve-Loubet, where the Escoffier family house 
later became the Musée de l'Art Culinaire.


E. Herbodeau and P. Thalamas, Georges Auguste Escoffier [1955] · M. L. 
Ritz, Cesar Ritz, host to the world (1938) · P. Levey, Out to lunch 
(1986) · T. Shaw, The world of Escoffier (1994) · K. James, Escoffier: 
the king of chefs (2002) · A. Escoffier, The complete guide to the art 
of modern cookery, trans. H. L. Cracknell and R. J. Kaufmann (1979) 
[incl. biographical note by P. Escoffier; Fr. orig. (1903)] · A. 
Escoffier, Ma cuisine, ed. M. Howells, trans. V. Holland [1965] [Fr. 
orig. (1934)]

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