Re: [] Escoffier

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From: Ivor Williams
Subject: Re: [] Escoffier
Date: 19:52 on 23 Nov 2005
David Cantrell wrote:

> The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography have a mailing list where 
> they send out a "life of the day".  Friday's was Escoffier.  I 
> reproduce it here:
> Escoffier, Georges Auguste (1846–1935), master chef and cookery 
> writer, was born on 28 October 1846 in Villeneuve-sur-Loup (later 
> Villeneuve-Loubet), Alpes-Maritimes, 15 kilometres from Nice, the son 
> of Jean Baptiste Escoffier (d. 1909), farmer and village blacksmith. 
> At thirteen Auguste was apprenticed to his uncle François Escoffier, 
> who had opened in 1856 the Restaurant Français in Nice which provided 
> an international cuisine for rich winter visitors and employed a 
> Russian chef.


I wonder if Escoffier is the etymological root of the verb to scoff?

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