Re: [] Denny's Sausages (was: [ ADMIN ] outage)

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From: Nigel Rantor
Subject: Re: [] Denny's Sausages (was: [ ADMIN ] outage)
Date: 12:04 on 23 Nov 2005
Simon Wistow wrote:
> Kanga, the box that hosts blew up about a month ago but is 
> now back. So you may resume the witty banter about all things culinary 
> related.

I hadn't stopped talking, people simply appeared to stop 
listening...although I'm used to that.

So, anyone here like the "sausage" you get in the states? I must admit 
to being a big fan of the stuff you get in Denny's, I know it is crap 
loaded with additives but there is something[0] about it I can't resist.

So, I decided to strip a couple of sausages and shape them into patties 
for frying.

Tasted fine, but just as they would normally taste. Although to be 
honest I wasn't expecting any difference.

I figure to re-create a Denny's sausage I would need to find some cheap 
sausage meat (easy), and figure out what spices they add to it (not so 

Answers on the back of a postcard please...


[0] Something evil and salty

Generated at 00:02 on 25 Nov 2005 by mariachi 0.41