Re: [] Denny's Sausages (was: [ ADMIN ] outage)

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From: Bob Walker
Subject: Re: [] Denny's Sausages (was: [ ADMIN ] outage)
Date: 10:26 on 24 Nov 2005
On Thu, 24 Nov 2005, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:

> Bad form replying to myself, but want to point out that traditional mince
> pies contained meat AND fruit.  So perhaps the aversion to sweet and
> savoury is a new thing for the British palate?

however you cant tell theres meat since it overpowered by all the fruit 
and sugar and brandy you add.
the recipe i used last year called for 1/2 a pound of steak comapre dto 
about 5 pounds of fruit and sugar

Bob Walker
Very few things dont taste good once deep fried.

Generated at 00:02 on 25 Nov 2005 by mariachi 0.41