Re: [] organic box scheme

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From: James Bywater
Subject: Re: [] organic box scheme
Date: 17:23 on 24 Nov 2005
Candace, do you find that the vegetables last two weeks?

I would sign up for a fortnightly medium-sized one but at the moment  
I find that the veggies go soggy before then, so I have to get weekly  
small boxes (which are less economical and have less variety).

It could be down to my basement being inexplicably warmer than the  
rest of the house.


On 24 Nov 2005, at 1509, candace wrote:

> recently, we signed up for deliveries from UK5 Organics, who run a  
> box scheme service.  i'd never done this before, but after having  
> received two boxes, i've signed us up for a fortnightly subscription.
> the boxes are quite large and come with quite a variety of veg and  
> fruit. potatoes, carrots, bananas, and apples come as standard with  
> other things varying by season.
> i've been pleased. the biggest advantage for us is that since we  
> have more veg in the house, we are compelled to come up with  
> creative ways to eat it, and are therefore eating a lot more  
> healthily on average.  last week, we got a winter squash and some  
> kale, so i ended up making squash kale barley stew and it was quite  
> nice -- but not something i would have ever thought of making if  
> picking things up at the supermarket.
> info here:
> candace

There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:02 on 25 Nov 2005 by mariachi 0.41