Re: [] Denny's Sausages (was: [ ADMIN ] outage)

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From: David Cantrell
Subject: Re: [] Denny's Sausages (was: [ ADMIN ] outage)
Date: 14:51 on 24 Nov 2005
On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 04:22:56AM -0800, candace wrote:

> americans are weirded out by having BEANS with breakfast. or on toast. or 
> on baked potatoes.  it is exceptionally bizarre at breakfast and i just 
> recently came around to the idea.  that whole fried tomato thing is still 
> not on, though.

If it's any consolation, fried tomatoes really freak the Germans out
too.  They whole-heartedly approve of the rest of a traditional English
fried breakfast though.  I cooked one in Bavaria last New Year.

Arguments about whether the Bavarians are German or not belong on that
mailing list --> over there.  A LONG WAY over there :-)

David Cantrell | random organic glop and a metric fuckton of electricity

  All principles of gravity are negated by fear
                                            -- Cartoon Law V

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