Re: [] organic box scheme

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From: David Cantrell
Subject: Re: [] organic box scheme
Date: 17:14 on 24 Nov 2005
On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 04:14:14PM -0000, Russell Joanne (ST) wrote:
> We get an organic box and we get a small one which is about a tenner, it was
> fab at first but the only thing I'd say is the lack of being able to choose
> what you want in your box can be frustrating.  But it is handy having it
> delivered, the only thing is its only for one to two people which means that
> my vegetables are more side dishes rather than being able to make something
> up for a main....

On Candace's recommendation I'm trying UK5organics too.  The ten quid
veggie box contains more veggies than I'm going to be able to eat in a
fortnight.  It's true that it won't contain everything that I want.
That's fine, nothing's stopping me from going to the greengrocer on the
way home to pick up some exotica.  For a tenner it's *great* value for
the basics.

David Cantrell | Hero of the Information Age

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    from the north of England.  The wurst are from Germany.
      -- seen in alt.2eggs...

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