Re: [] whisky, mustard and maple syrup glazed ham

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] whisky, mustard and maple syrup glazed ham
Date: 17:27 on 28 Nov 2005
On Mon, Nov 28, 2005 at 10:39:45AM +0000, me said:
> I mixed together 2 fingers of 15 year old Laphroig (which, believe it or 
> not was actually the 'worst' whisky I had in the house and also a 
> deliberate choice for reasons I'll elaborate on later)

Or not as my Dad has just phoned up and reminded me. And also corrected 
my spelling mistakes.

Anyway, I did actually deliberately choose Laphroig because of the 
distinctive smoky, peaty Islay which bought out the natural smokiness 
of the ham beautifully and complimented the maple syrup perfectly.

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