[london.food] Store cupboard cider and sausage casserole

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: [london.food] Store cupboard cider and sausage casserole
Date: 10:16 on 28 Nov 2005
Well after all the ideas last week, I did a nice slow cooked casserole
last night.  Perfect in the current weather, warming you right up.  This
was something I threw together out of odds and ends around the house,
since we didn't get to the market this Saturday.  Most people probably
don't have six litres of cider in the fridge, but I did ;)

The thyme in the window box died while we were away for a week a month or
so ago, so it's kinda equivalent to dried.  The sage is still going, so
that's fresh.

Cider and sausage casserole

4 pork sausages
100g diced chopped pancetta
1 large onion
3 large carrots
1 large courgette
2 cups green lentils (washed)
1 tbspn chicken stock concentrate
~1 L traditional west country cider
sprig of thyme
6 sage leaves
1 tbspn cornflour
worcestershire sauce

Brown the sausages over high heat in (just brown them, you're not
cooking them).  Remove to casserole dish.  Brown the pancetta and remove
to the casserole dish.  Roughly slice the onion and soak up the fat from
the sausages and pancetta, cooking until the onion is slightly browned.=20
Get the oven on to 160C.

Deglaze the pan with some of the cider, scraping up all the lovely
goodness from the cooking.  Bung everything except the cornflour into
the casserole dish and fill with cider until the liquid level is just
above the solids.  Season with pepper and a hefty glug of worcestershire

Place in the oven for a couple of hours, stirring occasionally.  After
one hour, mix the cornflour with a small amount of extra cider, until
smooth, and add to the casserole to help it thicken.

I served it over cous cous, because that's what we had in the cupboard.=20
Would work equally well (better, even) with mash, rice, whatever.

Generated at 00:03 on 29 Nov 2005 by mariachi 0.41