[london.food] Games Recipes

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: [london.food] Games Recipes
Date: 11:23 on 13 Dec 2005
More recipes from my friend wot did the Haddock and Cauliflower soup I 
posted before. Everything after this is quoted from an email to me ..

"All, to a greater or lesser degree made up, so let me know if you
improve them (I can't claim much credit for the pigeon pies since the
insides are pretty standard, my angle was doing individual pies and
serving with grapes (I don't usually like fruit with meat but the grapes
really go), the rabbit and venison meatballs were made up but I imagine
I didn't get there first given the simplicity! But the partridge and
pheasant recipes are my own creations.

 Rabbit Stew with Dumplings:

1 Rabbit
3 large potatoes
2 carrots
2 parsnips
1 onion
3 shallots
2 cloves garlic
vegetable stock

using a large oven dish with lid brown the rabbit, remove from pan and
fry off roughly diced veg, remove and fry sliced onions, shallots and
garlic add all back into pan and cover in vegetable stock add bouquet
garnish, extra thyme and 2 bay leaves, salt and pepper slow cook in low
oven 3-5 hours

make dumplings (can make mix and keep in fridge till needed) 4Oz
wholemeal flour / 2Oz suet, 1 tsp baking powder, herbs (mixed, heavy on
thyme), can substitute some grated cheese for some of the suet for
cheesy dumplings. make into dumplings

remove rabbit add in dumplings return to oven for half an hour during
which: take meat off bones, remove buckshot

add meat back to stew and heat through serve in bowls with fresh crusty

 Partridge Risotto with roast parsnips:

2 partridges
plenty streaky bacon

making the stock adds 3-5 hours to cooking time which already includes 
roasting bird and then making the risotto but you can make it across 2 
days easily enough

fill cavity of 2 partridges with sage, rosemary and thyme and cover them
in streaky bacon to protect them in oven and roast. remove meat into 3
groups; the bacon, the dry breast meat and wing meat, the leg and under
bird meat (remove buckshot) boil skin and bones with an onion, a couple
of cardamom pods, salt and peppercorns, and more of the sage, rosemary
and thyme and a bay leaf to make stock.

crisp up the bacon in the oven until genuinely crispy and put to one

bring stock to simmer in one saucepan fry off a sliced onion, and
crushed garlic clove in liberal amount of butter, add leg and under bird
meat and fry all gently for a while, top up butter or oil if necessary
and add risotto rice and fry as per instructions on packet, initially
add a glass of white wine then top up fluid from simmering stock as it
is absorbed by rice, add breast and wing meat to heat through long
enough before rice is done, stir continuously.

serve with roast parsnip 'chips', and a salad of rocket, watercress,
capers and roughly crushed sea salt, and garnish liberally with the
crispy bacon crushed in a pestle and mortar

 Pheasant and Walnut Pudding:

1 pheasant

this was the nicest of the lot but i kind of made it up as i went along
so am not sure of quantities this doesn't take up much of your time but
from start to finish takes at least 10 hours, again it can be done
across 2 days and the actually cooking is done 5 hours before eating so
quite good if entertaining.

roast a pheasant using same timings as a similar sized small chicken
protect the bird by rubbing butter beneath the skin undercook the bird
slightly and take the meat off the bones and remove buckshot put the
meat in the fridge and use the skin and bones to make stock with an
onion, salt and peppercorns and a bay leaf

roughly chop an onion, a few sticks of celery chop a large carrot into
thin juliennes finely chop a handful of thyme and rosemary fry off the
veg add herbs, and red wine and the pheasant stock at about 1:1 and add
in pheasant meat. At this stage should be quite liquid add a large
handful of walnuts either whole or roughly chopped simmer gently to
reduce but not too much.

I used Anthony Worral Thomson's steak and Kidney pudding for the suet
pudding mix since i've never done it before, the only difference being i
prefer a thinner layer than he suggests (its on the bbc website) 400g
self-raising flour, 200g beef or veg suet, ½ teaspoon of salt, pepper,
290ml water - mix solids and add water a little at a time until correct
consistency - roll out until ½ cm thick (AWT suggests 1 cm)

coat a large brown with butter, the rolled out suet (save ¼ for lid, 
leave 1 cm overhang)

thicken pheasant if nesc with a little flour, but be aware it will
thicken as the suet absorbs some of the fluid. spoon into pudding bowl
until 2/3 full.

cover with remaining suet pastry (moisten edges for seal) and pinch

steam for 5 hours according to whichever instructions best fit your 
kitchen and utensils!

turn out and slice at the table for maximum credit!

this was quite an outstanding success if i do say so myself, the walnuts
just made it awesome and the suet pudding was an ideal accompaniment. I
am considering an easier option of doing the same stew with suet
dumplings to see if this is nearly as good (and obviously much easier!)

was very nice with new potatoes and steamed green veg

 Individual Pigeon Pies:

2 pigeons
stewing steak
bought puff pastry

wash two pigeons inside and out

brown 2 pigeons, 2-3 Oz of diced stewing steak, one onion/2 sticks of
celery/1 clove of garlic chopped fairly finely in a little oil in an
oven dish, add vegetable or chicken stock and a glass or 2 of white wine
to cover the meat and veg and bring to boil, ensure lid is secure and
transfer to low oven for 2-3 hours or longer if you have it

make ordinary pastry for pie cups and bake blind (i.e. bake the cups
initially without the contents) (200g flour, 150g butter, pinch salt,
plus dried thyme if you like - food processor until like breadcrumbs,
add water and mix until correct consistency, leave in fridge until
required then roll out reasonably thin, coat pie mould with butter, then
place pastry in and bake in medium oven until it feels rough to the

pick the pigeons (remove buckshot) and return meat to the stew.

spoon stew into pie cups, moisten tops of cups and roll puff pastry on
top and pinch to pastry cup

cook pies as per instructions on puff pastry

serve with two or three white seedless grapes halved, a jacket potato
and buttery Swede and carrot mash

 Venison Meatballs in Red Wine:

venison mince

caramelise a sliced onion in advance and allow to cool chop some streaky
bacon into small but not tiny pieces

combine venison mince, caramelised onion, and chopped bacon above and
salt and pepper as desired, add breadcrumbs until the mix will hold
together and has the consistency of meatballs. (roughly 500g mince, 4
rashers bacon, 1 onion - or to taste as preferred) make into meatballs
and pop in medium hot oven until browned all over but no more.

while meatballs in oven sauté another large onion and a couple of
cloves of garlic in butter. remove to lidded oven dish and add equal
quantities of fruity red wine (a shiraz for example) and good vegetable
stock so that meatballs will be covered once added to dish. Bring to a
simmer and add in meatballs. Make sure lid is secure and slow cook in
low oven for 2-3 hours.

is very nice with mashed potatoes with plenty of pepper, steamed purple
sprouting broccoli and sweetheart cabbage."

Generated at 00:00 on 31 Dec 2005 by mariachi 0.41