[london.food] soup (was Re: Quiche)

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From: Natarajan Krishnaswami
Subject: [london.food] soup (was Re: Quiche)
Date: 10:26 on 19 Jan 2006
On Thu, Jan 19, 2006 at 09:43:00AM +0000, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:
> Well I ended up making quiche last night, and it worked rather well. 
> Turned out that, contrary to what I'd been told, one of the guests was
> vegetarian.

I made some veg. soup the other night, in a hurry because it was late
(hence using a veg. stock cube and store-bought pesto).

  1 Tbsp olive oil
  1/2 cup onion, diced 
  1/4 cup white wine (I used Millbrook 2004 tocai friulano, but
    something drier might have been nicer; optional)
  2-3 cups of water
  veggie bouillon cube
  1 med. roasted red pepper, chopped (marinated is fine)
  3-4 marinated artichoke hearts, crushed
  1 can of chickpeas, rinsed and drained
  1 Tbsp pesto

Saute the onions in olive oil. 
Once it starts to brown, deglaze with wine.
Add the water and remaining ingredients, except for pesto.
Once it comes to a boil, reduce heat.
Simmer till it reduces to about 3/4 the original volume, then remove
from heat.
Add the pesto, and eat with warm crusty bread.

Variations: Pasta, or sliced white or red potatoes would be awesome in
this (though it was just fine without -- the chickpeas made it plenty
hearty).  Spinach would probably also work well.


Generated at 00:00 on 31 Jan 2006 by mariachi 0.41