[london.food] Quiche

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: [london.food] Quiche
Date: 09:43 on 19 Jan 2006
Well I ended up making quiche last night, and it worked rather well.=20
Turned out that, contrary to what I'd been told, one of the guests was

That meant I couldn't use the lardons, so we ended up with an aubergine,
onion and mushroom filling.  Really very easy to make:

Roll out the pastry (it was a little small for my tin) and line the tin
(I cut a circle for the bottom, then mashed strips onto the side of the
tin).  Bake blind (lined pastry with parchment and placed a smaller pie
tin on top -- I don't have baking beans) at 200 degrees for ten
minutes, then remove extra tin and bake another five minutes.

Caramalise two onions, then fry half a chopped up aubergine and a handful
of mushrooms.  Mix four eggs and "some" milk (didn't measure) with
half a veg stock cube, some mixed herbs and pepper.  Mix liquid with
solid ingredients, then pour into pastry case.

Bake at 200 degrees for 25 minutes.  Turn down to about 150 and bake a
little longer (i.e., my side veggies weren't ready).  Remove and let
set for about five minutes before serving.


Rev Simon Rumble <simon@xxxxxx.xxx>

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