Re: [] Leek & Potato Soup

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From: Jenny Mather
Subject: Re: [] Leek & Potato Soup
Date: 23:58 on 29 Jan 2006
On Sun, 29 Jan 2006, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:

> This one time, at band camp, Nigel Rantor wrote:
> > I'm just wondering if any of you deviants have any different riffs on
> > the basic to impart?
> I can't think of any (savoury) soup that can't be improved with a good
> quality, home made chicken stock.
i throughly agree dding proper stock can make quite a difference - though
generally with soup just experimenting is really the best way and making a
note of badnesses to not do them again.

some past soup badnesses include:
using dried vvv spicy chillies in (carrot and chilli soup), heating in the
pan before adding oil and onions to sweat, burnign your eyes with the
acrid smoke and then almost killing you flatmate after having used too
many chillies (though some people think there cn never be too many
chillies.... in this case there can be!)

adding too much coriander not quite at the right time and turning pumpkin
and coriander soup from a lovely thick yellowy oragne colour to green.

current goodness is green soup: sweat onions and garlic and other
herbs/spices as desired (chillies can work!) add green things add potato
to thicken and then add stock leave until hungry. easy and yummy.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:00 on 31 Jan 2006 by mariachi 0.41