Re: [] Scrambled eggs and allied trades

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From: Nigel Rantor
Subject: Re: [] Scrambled eggs and allied trades
Date: 12:53 on 31 Jan 2006
Roger Burton West wrote:
> Takes effort and time. When I'm making breakfast I usually go for
> scramlet:
> - beat a couple of eggs in a bowl. If you're me, add salt and
> fresh-ground pepper.
> - take one hot greasy frying pan (from the bacon or whatnot you've just
> cooked, and/or buttered).
> - pour eggs into pan. Shift them about with the frying-tool.
> - about twenty seconds later, eggs are fried/scrambled and ready to be
> eaten.

Yes, this is the method I employ too. It also lends itself to adding 
things before the pan.

Adding some chilli powder with the salt and pepper is simplicity itself.

Salsa is lovely in scrambled eggs, don't use too much though or the eggs 
won't solidify proper like.

Get some mushrooms nice and soft in butter, mix them with the eggs and 
then scrmable it in the same pan.

Scrambled eggs are great as a delivery mechanism for lots of other goodness.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:00 on 01 Feb 2006 by mariachi 0.41