Re: [] 3 recipes for valentine's day

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From: Bob Walker
Subject: Re: [] 3 recipes for valentine's day
Date: 10:42 on 16 Feb 2006
On Thu, 16 Feb 2006, Kake L Pugh wrote:

> On Thu 16 Feb 2006, Rev Simon Rumble <> wrote:
>> My valentine only got one course, but I did something interesting.
> I got steak and home-made chips and brussels tops.  Then trifle.

steak: Take a filet steak. season. put on hot grill pan cook briefly. 
serve on a warm plate

brussel tops: take 4 brussel tops. tak eof crap leaves. chop good leaves 
and centre bit roughly. removing the stalk. pick of a couple of the 
underdeveloped sprouts if you want. heat some olive oil and butter in a 
pan to a high heat. chuck in chopped tops. cook for 10 minutes then turn 
down to low/medium heat leave for about 15 minutes. stir occassionaly.

chips: take several potatoes. peel. halve. chop each half into 4 slices 
lenghtwise. chuck in a roasting tin. liberaly sprinkle over salt, pepper 
then spices of your choice. last night i did chipotle powder. i have used 
other spices at other times. then drizzle with copious amounts of olive 
oil. put in a preheated oven at 200C. after 30 minutes give them a shake 
around and a prod. in another 30 minutes they should be ready.
serve with vinegar and ketchup and mayonaise if your feeling in the mood.

> Gin trifle.  With jelly.

get some trifle sponges. i made my own by taking a sponge recipe and just 
doing them in muffin tray instead of in a 7inch cake tray thing. i also 
added slighty more egg which made them less moist i think. which is what 
you want form a trifle sponge i think. cut them into pieces spread with 
lime marmalade. place in a glass. apply gin and freshly squeezed lime. i 
probably didnt add enough gin. pour over most of a can of ambrosia devon 
custard. (i would normally make my own but i had used all that for the 
sherry trifle i was making.) put in the fridge for a bit. make some jelly. 
following the instructions on the packet. let it set slighlty. put over 
the custard. put it back inthe fridge to finish setting. this should all 
be done at least the night before you want to serve it. on the night get 
some double cream whip it. when its turned into whipped cream fold in a 
combination of lime juice, sherry and sugar. making sure the sugar is 
fully dissolved in the liquid before adding.
put in a piping back and pipe out into pretty shapes.


Bob Walker
watch out for the attack armadillos!

There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:06 on 18 Feb 2006 by mariachi 0.41