[london.food] Baking parchment

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: [london.food] Baking parchment
Date: 12:01 on 16 Feb 2006
On 16/2/2006, "Juliet Kemp" <juliet@xxxxx.xx> wrote:

>(I made biscuits just before Xmas & discovered *silicon baking paper* =3D
>Best Stuff Ever.  First time I've not had to hack bits of baking paper
>off the bottom of biscuits.  I really want a silicon baking sheet now.)

Yeah this stuff is fantastic.  Also known as Baking Parchment.  It's
silicone, BTW, not silicon.

The silicone baking sheets are brilliant.  As well as being completely
nonstick, they cool down _really_ quickly.  So quickly, in fact, that
you can handle them with bare hands within a couple of seconds of
opening the oven door.  Last forever too.

There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:06 on 18 Feb 2006 by mariachi 0.41