[london.food] Curly kale

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: [london.food] Curly kale
Date: 10:07 on 13 Feb 2006
Hi folks.

I love curly kale, but the other half isn't so keen.  It's
fantastically good for you too, so I'd prefer to do things with it that
don't make it unhealthy, but still palatable for the other half.

Last night I cooked up some boiled new potatoes, beans and some blanched
kale alongside heated smoked mackerel.  For a sauce I melted some butter
with crushed garlic and steeped a few chopped sage leaves from the
window box.  Delicious!

Any other suggestions for Kale?  I also love the crunch of spring greens,
but we've got a while to wait for them too.

Generated at 00:08 on 17 Feb 2006 by mariachi 0.41