Re: [] Scales

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From: David Cantrell
Subject: Re: [] Scales
Date: 14:30 on 07 Mar 2006
On Mon, Mar 06, 2006 at 08:58:26PM +0000, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:
> This one time, at band camp, Roger Burton West wrote:
> > I use a simple old-fashioned _balance_, rather than spring-scales.

Ooh, good call.  The ability to make cake on the moon is not something
I'd considered in the past, but this is definitely a win for old

> Try charity and antique stores.  I'm sure you could pick up some metric 
> weights to replace the archaic measures.

To the editor, The Times:


Metric is all very well for measuring the width of a hair, or throwing
rockets at Mars, but it has no place in a gentleman's kitchen.  To admit
it is to hammer a nail into the coffin of British decency.  When the
mess-wallahs suggested it as my regiment was crushing the Hun, we had
them flogged.


Yours grumpily,

Brig. Alfred Sprecklethorpe MC DJ GOM etc (ret)
Tonbridge Wells

There's stuff above here

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