Re: [] Scales

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] Scales
Date: 20:58 on 06 Mar 2006
This one time, at band camp, Roger Burton West wrote:

> I use a simple old-fashioned _balance_, rather than spring-scales.

And much more accurate they are.  You can do the old fashioned method of 
making sponge cake which is to weigh the eggs and then weigh out an 
equivalent weight of flour.  In one step.

> I seem to remember they cost a bit, but they're well worth it.

Try charity and antique stores.  I'm sure you could pick up some metric 
weights to replace the archaic measures.

Rev Simon Rumble <>

The Tourist Engineer
Geeks need vacations too.

See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis,
and only enough blood to run one at a time.

- Robin Williams

There's stuff above here

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