Re: [] adventures in meatballs

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] adventures in meatballs
Date: 09:49 on 09 Mar 2006
On 9/3/2006, "Simon Wistow" <> wrote:

>To be honest - and in retrospect - I think the "al forno" was a mistake.
>Everything came out a bit dry and the meatballs were definitely less
>succulent than straight out of the pan. The taste was spot on.

Steaming might come up with a moister texture.  Nutmeg is the
all-important ingredient in Swedish-style meatballs.  Not sure about
Italian ones.

Next time you come home from Ikea with one of those enormous sacks of
meatballs, I would suggest my fave: Swedish Curry.  That's right, a
meatball curry.  Yum!

Generated at 00:00 on 11 Mar 2006 by mariachi 0.41