[london.food] adventures in meatballs

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: [london.food] adventures in meatballs
Date: 09:29 on 09 Mar 2006
Last night, on the way home, I craved pasta with meatballs. Don't ask me 
why, ok. I just did.

It occurred to me that I'd never made meatballs before and I had no 
recipe so I guessed based on, well, burgers. Sort of. 

I mixed 1kg of beef mince (my house mate can hoover up leftovers like 
they're going out of fashion) with 1 large egg, a liberal heap (between 
a tbsp and a tsp) of rosemary herb salt, lots of ground black pepper, a 
tbsp of minced garlic (I forgot I had no fresh in the house) and some 
cayenne pepper to taste (I'd guess about the same as the salt since I 
like my meatballs spicy). Then I mixed by hand and fried off a patty to 
check for seasoning.

I balled them up to slightly smaller than golf ball size and fried them 
in a little olive oil - turning regularly. Straight out of the pan they 
tasted divine. 

Meanwhile I boiled up some penne to slightly harder than al dente and 
put it in a ceramic baking dish. Then I mixed together some pasata, some 
chilli flakes in oil and a glug of red wine.

I transferred some of the meat balls to the dish, poured over some of 
the suace, mixed and sprinkled over some grated red leicester and baked 
in a 180c oven for about 20 minutes - inspired by a "meatball marinara 
al forno" ready meal I'd seen in the supermarket.

To be honest - and in retrospect - I think the "al forno" was a mistake. 
Everything came out a bit dry and the meatballs were definitely less 
succulent than straight out of the pan. The taste was spot on.

Still, I give myself a B+ and I'll definitely try again.

I'd imagine that the above quantities would probably feed at least 4 or 
5 in normal circumstances. 

the problem with private jets is that I don't get airmiles

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